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Feb 09, 2023
In General Discussions
✅If you are taking a pain medication, protect other family members or children from any accidental overdose. ✅If you are not taking any opioid or narcotic drug that may cause overdose, it is still a good idea to have one accessible. 🔴Naloxone (pronounced na-LOX-own) is a drug that can temporarily reverse the effects of an opioid overdose. 🔴Opioids are drugs that are prescribed by a medical practitioner to treat pain. However, opioids are also used recreationally. 🔴Some commonly used opioids include: • morphine • heroin • oxycodone • fentanyl • codeine • hydromorphone 🔴While opioids can be an effective part of pain management for medically supervised patients, opioid addiction and overdose are a significant challenge in Ontario. 🔴Naloxone only reverses overdoses from opioids. 🔴It will not reverse overdoses from other kinds of drugs, such as benzodiazepines or stimulants like cocaine and amphetamines. 🔴Recognize an Overdose: Symptoms include slowed or no breathing, blue or gray skin, unconsciousness, and unresponsiveness. If you are not sure what caused someone to become unconscious, giving naloxone is not likely to cause further harm. Naloxone safety 🔴Naloxone can either be injected intramuscularly (in a muscle) or given as a nasal spray. 🔴After the naloxone is administered, it is a best practice to stay with the person who was experiencing the opioid overdose until an ambulance arrives, in case first responders need help or information. 🔴Naloxone is considered safe for everyone, unless there is a reason to believe a person has an allergy to naloxone. 🔴If a person has been using opioids, naloxone may put them into withdrawal. 🔴Opioid withdrawal is a set of symptoms arising from the sudden withdrawal or reduction of opioids following previous heavy usage. 🔴While withdrawal is uncomfortable, it is usually not life threatening. Protection from liability Protection from liability available under the Good Samaritan Act, 2001 would generally apply to a anyone who voluntarily administers naloxone in an emergency in response to an opioid overdose. Free Naloxone kits to save lives
Get Your Free Naloxone kits content media
Oct 22, 2021
In General Discussions
Flu shots: There are 3 types of Flu shots this season: High Dose 4 strains....for seniors over 65 only Regular dose 3 strains with adjuvant...for seniors over 65 only (*adjuvant enhances the vaccine to provide more immunity ) Regular dose 4 strains...For anyone older than 5 and seniors Get it soon as it takes 2 weeks to build your immunity Travelling? going away? We currently offer both : PCR: results in 14 hours or the next morning Rapid Antigen Test: results in 15 minutes Download your vaccination record with QR CODE Click here Reporting out of province /country COVID vaccination Any Halton region resident who would like to report any COVID vaccination dose administered out of province or country so the records in Ontario shows that he/she is fully vaccinated officially click here Medication Disposal You may bring any expired/unused prescription tablet for safe disposal. please remove all tablets from boxes/vials/bottles and put them all in a clear bag and make sure it has no labels or name. ***We will not accept bottles or vials*** We hope you have a great experience at Brant lakeshore pharmacy and we appreciate your referral and feedback we would love if you can support our business by Rating us on our page
Important Updates To Share content media
Sep 14, 2021
In General Discussions
We encourage eligible employers to take advantage of this free additional tool as an added layer of protection for employees and consumers and as an additional tool to help keep workplaces in Ontario safe. The latest information from Health Canada suggests that up to one-third of people carrying the virus are asymptomatic causing little or no noticeable signs, however, over 50% of known cases were transmitted by an asymptomatic carrier. This makes it incredibly important to find asymptomatic carriers in order to combat the spread and get to more normalized community life. A COVID-19 rapid screening test can be performed anywhere (e.g., on-site, at the place of employment) and does not require shipping a specimen to a lab for processing. It takes approximately 15 minutes to yield a result. Frequent screening with rapid antigen tests increases the chances of early identification of cases in asymptomatic individuals only. Recommended frequency is twice per employee, per week. How to Participate in the Program: You will need: Canada Revenue Agency (CRA) T2 notice of assessment Government-issued identification document (such as a driver's licence) The articles of incorporation (you can be federally or provincially/territorially incorporated) Note: To participate in the program, you must agree to the terms and conditions. The individual signing the terms and conditions must have authority to enter into an agreement with the Government of Canada. Register Here Once approved, you will receive a link to a page that indicates your responsibilities (i.e. reporting), an approval code and the number of boxes approved. Please email us this approval. Choose a designated screening supervisor, and have them watch the mandatory training video produced by Ontario Health. You can view the video ,additional video is here. Once an order is received, you will be notified by email that the order is ready , we will email you as well a Provincial Antigen Screening Program (PASP) agreement form, e-mail us back the completed agreement copy to or bring a printed copy of when you come to pick up the requested kit(s). Before arriving for pick up the kit(s) you are required to visit and complete the mandatory COVID-19 screening .***A handling fee for your first set will be $14 for 1 box (25 kits) and then $5 per box thereafter. To participate in the program, be able to receive subsequent sets , the Ministry of Health requires that test results are reported each week so we appreciate you complying with this requirement. Please ensure you report weekly test results for your organization by Friday at noon each week: Business Name * Workplace contact * Total number of employees screened * Total Positive Results * Total Negative Results * Total Inconclusive Results * Thank you for participating in this important initiative to protect your employees and our community.
Rapid Antigen Screening Kits For Small-Medium sized Businesses content media
Jul 02, 2021
In General Discussions
Moderna-Covid vaccine content media


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